

LI Hongquan “Captures- the Reinforcing and Reducing to use Concurrently” Treats the Headdress and Mouth Nose Disease
摘要 李鸿全教授认为"下者,攻也,攻其邪也","因势利导"、"给邪出路","结者散之,留者攻之",下法可调理血气运行,祛瘀生新。"损有余,补不足,下中必有补",李老临证并不一味猛药峻攻,提出"补泻兼施",治虚中夹实证;指出"实者泻之,虚者补之"是治疗一切疾病大法,疾病不论由外或由内而生,不论病变位于上焦、中焦、下焦皆为邪气所致,故治病当以攻邪为先,邪去则正安;临证用药以清热解毒,通腑泄热为主,要见之真、守之定,敢于攻邪;疾病发展变化错综复杂,有虚中夹实、寒热错杂、阴阳互交等等不一而足,治疗时应准确辨证、精确用药,或攻补兼施,或先攻后补,或先补后攻,既要灵活运用,又要掌握分寸,不能拘泥一方,固守成方,一成不变,千篇一律。临证李老善用"泻下"、"补泻兼施",对五官科疾病,特别是口齿疾病、鼻衄、面痛(三叉神经痛)、鼻息肉、鼻渊(鼻窦炎)等诊治。 Professor Li Hongquan thought "also under, attacks, attacks evilly its also","adroitly guides action according to circumstances", "for the evil outlet", "tying disperses it, keeping attacks it", gets down the law to be possible to recuperate the courage vigor movement, removes extravasted blood lives newly. "Damages has -odd, makes up the insufficiency, gets down must have makes up", Li Laolin the card not constantly potent drug toweringly attacks, proposed "the reinforcing and reducing uses concurrently", governs empty clamps the real diagnosis;Pointed out "the reality flows swiftly it, empty makes up it" is treats all disease big method, disease no matter lives by outside or by in, no matter the pathological change is located the upper burner, burnt, the lower burner all is the perverse trend result, therefore treats an illness when take attacks evilly as first, goes evilly then Zhengan; Alleviates fever the disintoxicating near the card medication, Passes the internal organs to release hotly primarily, must see really, defends it to decide, dares to attack evilly; Disease develops changes intriguingly, has empty clamps the reality, the cold and heat complexity, the masculine and feminine elements hands over and so on mutually to mention just a few, when treatment should accurate dialectical, the precise medication, either attacks makes up uses concurrently, either attacks the replacement first, after either makes up first attacks, both must utilize nimbly, and must exercise sound judgment, cannot rigidly adhere a side, defends stubbornly the side, irrevocable, stereotyped.Always makes good use of near card Li "flows swiftly", "the reinforcing and reducing uses concurrently", to five senses branch disease, specially enunciation disease, nose nosebleed, prosopalgia (trifacial neuralgia), nose polyp, nasosinusitis ( nasosinusitis ) and so on diagnosis.
作者 张爽 孙海波
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第10期9-11,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 泻下-补泻兼施 李鸿全 老中医经验 口齿疾病 鼻衄、三叉神经痛 鼻息肉 鼻窦炎 中医药治疗 The reinforcing and reducing Diarrhea - treatment Li Hongquan Clinical experience Tongue disease Epistaxis Ttrigeminal neuralgia Sinusitis Nasal polyps Treatment of traditional Chinese Medicine
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