
骨愈灵联合超声药物透入治疗气滞血瘀型膝骨性关节炎与洛索洛芬钠等效性随机平行对照研究 被引量:1

Bone spirit Drug Phonophoresis Combined Treatment of Qi Stagnation And Blood Stasis Type of Knee Osteoarthritis and Lo Solo Finn Na Equivalence Randomized Parallel Controlled Study
摘要 [目的]观察骨愈灵胶囊联合超声药物透入治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将60例住院患者按病志号抽签随机分为两组。对照组30例洛索洛芬钠,60mg/次,3次/d,饭后口服。治疗组30例1骨愈灵胶囊,5粒/次,3次/d,饭后口服;2超声药物透入:采用EPPS NAVA-01TD超声电导仪和原厂药物贴片,贴附于血海穴处固定,调整频率(50KHz),开启电源,30min/次,2次/d。连续治疗2周为1疗程。观测临床症状、不良反应。治疗1个疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组痊愈2例,显效13例,有效14例,无效1例,总有效率96.67%。对照组痊愈2例,显效11例,有效15例,无效2例,总有效率93.33%。临床疗效治疗组与对照组无明显差别(P>0.05)。[结论]骨愈灵联合超声药物透入治疗气滞血瘀型膝骨性关节炎,疗效满意,无副作用,与洛索洛芬钠等效性,值得推广。 [ Objective ] Observation that guyu ling capsule and ultrasonic drug penetration clinical efficacy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. [ Method ] 60 cases of hospitalized patients randomized parallel controlled approach by medical record number by drawing lots of random divided into two groups.30 patients in the control group using loxoprofen sodium therapy, in a day after meals three times, each 60 rag.treatment group of 30 patients using gyl capsule combined with ultrasonic treatment drug penetration(1)gyl capsules taken daily after meals three times total, each taking five. (2)ultrasound drug penetration:the epps nava01td ultrasound conductivity meter and original drug patch, attached at a fixed point in xuehai, will adjust the frequency of 50hz, the treatment two times a day, every 30minutes.a course of two weeks of continuous treatment needed.observation of clinical symptoms and adverse reactions, after a course of treatment to determine the therapeutic effect. [ Results ] There are 2 cases in treatment group were cured, 13 cases of patients have a significant effect, 14 cases of patients with effective, ineffective patients appear 1 case, the total efficiency of 96.67%. patients in the control group healed have 2 cases, 11 patients had a significant effect, 15 cases of patients with active patients appeared 2 cases ineffective, the total efficiency of 93.33%.there is no significant difference in clinical efficacy of the treatment group and the control group ( P〉0.05 ) . [ Conclusion ] Gyl capsule combined with ultrasound therapy drug penetration qi stagnation blood stasis type of knee osteoarthritis can obtain satisfactory results and no side effects, and loxoprofen sodium have the same effect, worthy of promotion.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2014年第10期93-95,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 膝骨性关节炎 骨痹 气滞血瘀 骨愈灵 超声药物透入 洛索洛芬钠 中西医结合治疗 随机平行对照研究 Knee Osteoarthritis GuBi Qi stagnation blood stasis GuYu Ling Capsule ultrasonic drug penetration loxoprofen sodium Integrative Medicine Parallel controlled of random
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