

Edit propagation based on region transformation and RF filter
摘要 针对高分辨率图像或视频在编辑传播中存在着色耗时和边缘不稳定的问题,提出基于区域变换和RF(recursive filtering,递归滤波)滤波器的编辑传播。通过区域变换直接对图像边缘进行平滑处理,加快了编辑传播;利用RF滤波器在整个图像中的无限脉冲响应,更好地保持边缘稳定;最后,将初始脉冲图和精致彩色脉冲图产生的影响图与笔画指定的编辑合成最终结果。实验结果表明,该方法在高分辨率图像分割、边缘提取和实时视频处理方面都具有高效性和良好的用户交互性,着色快速、边缘稳定、计算复杂度低。对于存在太多笔画的实时视频处理等问题提出了进一步的研究方向。 Based on region transformation and RF( recursive filtering) filter, this paper proposed a method of editing propaga- tion to deal with the problems of computational inefficiency and edge-instability, which arised from the coloring involved in high-resolution image or video. The region transformation served as an image-smoothing operation to make global optimization more efficient. Tile RF filter played crucial role to keep edge-stability by its infinite impulse response throughout the given ima- ge. At last, the proposed method gave a final result via the composite image, which was generated by the initial impulse image and the fine coloring impulse image, in accord with the user-specific stroke editing. Along with low computational complexity, the results of experiments demonstrate both efficiency, great interactivity, high-speed rendering and edge stability of the meth- od employed in the segmentation of high-resolution images, the extraction of edges and real-time video processing. As future work, the paper finally put forward the problem of the real-time video processing with too many strokes.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期312-315,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60973084) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(9151064101000106)
关键词 着色 边缘 区域变换 递归滤波滤波器 编辑传播 脉冲图 影响图 color edge region transformation RF filter edit propagation impulse image influence image
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