
基本生活需要满足:一项城市低保制度的实证研究 被引量:1

Meeting Recipients' Basic Needs of Life: An Empirical Study of Minimum Living-hood Guarantee in China
摘要 "中国城市低保制度绩效评估"项目实地调查数据的描述性统计结果显示,低保金额的高低并非影响基本生活需要满足度的唯一因素;回归模型的结果显示,在个人和制度层面都有若干因素能够影响低保对象对基本生活需要满足程度的主观认识。定性研究结果进一步揭示了基本生活需要的模糊外延,也即医疗、子女教育、自尊和劳动的诉求。基于上述结果,对完善低保制度乃至社会救助制度提出了政策建议。 Based on the data from the evaluation project on Urban Minimum Living-hood Guarantee (MLG) in China, this paper conducts a mixed method study of both quantitative and qualitative research, to examine whether MLG can satisfy its recipients' basic needs. The descriptive analysis shows that the amount of MLG benefit is not the only factor which can determine whether people feel their basic needs are met. Results generated by the Probit regression model further reveal that both at the individual level and the institutional level, there exist certain factors influencing MLG beneficiaries' satisfaction of basic needs. The qualitative research shows, in reality, the boundary of the concept of basic needs is rather vague. It may involve with people's needs for health care, children's education, self-dignity and working. In line with these empirical evidences, policy implications on how to improve MLG and social assistance policies are discussed.
作者 郭瑜 韩克庆
出处 《社会学评论》 2014年第6期36-44,共9页 Sociological Review of China
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目(13XNC002)
关键词 基本生活需要 城市低保制度 社会救助 满足度 basic needs of life urban minimum living-hood guarantee social assistance satisfaction
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