1高居翰.《隔江山色:元代绘画》[Hills Beyond a River:Chinese Painting of the Yuan Dynasty.1279- 1368 ],纽约,东京,1976
2高居翰.《江岸送别:明代初期与中期绘画》[ Porting at the Shore:Chinese Painting of the Early and.Middle Ming Dynasty, 1368-1580 ],纽约,东京,1978年
3高居翰.《远山:晚明绘画》[The Distant Mountains: Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Dynasty,1570-1644),纽约,东京,1982年.
6Max Loehr, Some Fundamental issues in the History of Chinese Pointing .Journal of Asian Studies, February,1964,186
7Phases and Content in Chinese Painting, in National Palace Museum, ed., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chinese painting, Taipei, National Palace Museum,1970,285-297.
8Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Cubism and Abstract Art, New York, Museum of Modern Art,1936.
9Clement Greenberg in Frascina and Charies Harrison, ed.,Modern Art and Modemism:A Critical Anthology, London, Harper and Row, 1982. p5.