
当前中东政局新发展中的部落文化因素分析 被引量:1

Tribal Cultural Factors in the New Trend of Political Situation in the Middle East
摘要 作为一种特殊的社会组织形态,部落制在维护中东地区的传统社会稳定与促进经济、文化等革新发展方面发挥过积极作用。与此同时,部落文化因素也长期左右中东地区国家政局的走向,掣肘着地区的稳定与发展。分析研判中东政局未来趋势,不能不考虑其中的部落文化因素。本文在对中东部落现状进行考察和概览的基础上,结合当前中东地区部落文化的新特点,通过对中东地区部落文化在中东政局演变发展中可能产生的影响进行分析,得出一些探索性思考,以期能从民族文化传承创新视角来把握中东政局未来走向,妥善应对中东政局新发展带来的挑战。 As one special form of sociopolitical organization, the tribal system played a positive role in maintaining the regional stability and promoting economic development and cultural prosperity in the history of the Middle East. Meanwhile,tribal cultural factors also dominate the political trend in the Middle East and constrain the regional stability and development. Therefore, tribal cultural factors must be taken into account so as to understand the political trend of the Middle East. By analyzing the new characteristics of the tribal culture and how they affect the political situation of the Middle East based on current development of the tribes in the Middle East, this paper explores new trends as well as new ways for the future development of this area from the perspective of cultural heritage, in an attempt to respond to the challenges brought about by the new development in the Middle East.
作者 刘锦前
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期22-29,共8页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
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