Tambor de Mina是盛行于马拉尼昂(巴西北部的一个州)的一个融非洲宗教、天主教以及当地元素于一体的传统宗教。文中所述内容,在有关非裔巴西宗教的著作中很少被提及。文章基于作者在吉马良斯(马拉尼昂州的一个村子)进行的长期访谈,记载了当地一位米内罗(mineiro)所说的话。作者遵循"民族志应当反映当地人的观点"的基本原则,通过编辑、选择和再组织受访者讲话的方式,展示了人类学家在话语选择和权威建立方面所应扮演的角色,从而对民族志及民族志写作中的主观性和虚构性进行反思。
This article presents the process of initiation to the Tambor de Mina, the mainreligious tradition in Maranhao, a state in the north of Brazil. The Tambor de Mina designates an ecstatic and inziatic religion that combines elements of different African traditions (especially nago e jeje) with elements of the Catholic religion and of the Amerindian culture (pajelanfia). The foundation of this article is the words of a religious specialist, and these materials were collected by the author through a long talk with the specialist.
Journal of Ethnology