
休闲语境中社会资本研究进展与评析 被引量:3

A Progress and Review of Social Capital Research within the Leisure Context
摘要 在休闲语境中,社会资本研究已渐成为一个学术热点。研究首先回顾了早期的休闲与社会资本研究,主要对普特南关于休闲、自愿性组织与社会资本的经典研究进行评述的基础上,重点阐述了海明威的休闲、社会资本与公民民主之间的关系研究,并提出了未来休闲社会资本研究的三个路径。在此基础上,从休闲语境中的社会资本与公民民主研究、休闲语境中的社会资本的使用及其负面效应研究和休闲在社会资本生成与使用中的角色三个方面评析了十余年来国外休闲社会资本研究进展。最后提出了国外休闲社会资本研究对中国研究的借鉴与启示。 Research on social capital within the leisure context has become an academic hotspot. This paper firstly reviews Putnam's classical research on leisure, voluntary organization, and social capital.Putnam(1993, 2000) highlighted the importance of social communication inside voluntary organizations in which the membership established and maintained larger social networks by uniting related strangers. Therefore, general trust and mutual relationships were produced, as well as the value of social cooperation. Nevertheless, some scholars criticized Putnam's view because the most significant difficulty in interpreting Putnam's argument lay in its detailed description and explanation of the influences of the system and the ways of social capital was established and maintained in voluntary organizations.To solve this difficulty, Hemingway(1999) attempted to identify the mutual relationships of leisure, social capital, and citizen democracy using interdisciplinary insights. He proved that the fundamental contribution of leisure is in its indirect effect on citizen democracy; that is, leisure and citizen democracy are related by social capital. Hemingway consequently pointed out that there are three approaches to combine the various analyses of leisure and social capital: first, he analyzed how different leisure forms mainly affect citizen democracy and social capital; secondly, he highlighted the need to acknowledge the necessary personal and social resources for the development of leisure social capital. He also outlined the structure and distribution of social capital so that it grows more equally.Thirdly, he focused on a study of the role of leisure in social capital.Based on Hemingway's three research methods for leisure and social capital as described above,we researched the previous ten years of literature in the foreign leisure field to identify related materials and papers. We found that current commentary on social capital in the foreign leisure context is explored using two aspects of research: research content and research approaches. In research content,the application of citizens' social capital and leisure social capital has shown great progress, with leisure taking a more significant role in the establishment of social capital while allowing social interaction processes to be fully realized. In research approaches, microcosmic resource and macrocosmic civic approaches were considered general and mature research perspectives in the leisure social capital research field. Microcosmic research approaches were mainly qualitative, and macrocosmic civic approaches were mainly quantitative and investigative. Specifically, these indices distinguished between the two types of approaches with significant differences, which reflects the wide gap between micro- and macrocosmic aspects in social capital research. We combined these micro- and macrocosmic approaches to shrink the gap by analyzing the role of social networks in social capital.Finally, we discuss our inspiration of combining foreign leisure and social capital research in the Chinese leisure and social capital research context. Our findings have significance for theory and in reality to advocate for a sustainable Chinese leisure social capital research, by referring to and using our advanced research results from comparing Chinese studies on citizen and resource approaches in the leisure context with similar and different origins of social capital in various leisure contexts around the world.
作者 时少华 易瑾
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第12期101-110,共10页 Tourism Tribune
基金 北京联合大学人才强校计划人才资助项目(BPHR2012E03)资助~~
关键词 休闲语境 社会资本 进展与评析 leisure context social capital progress and review
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