
论国际体育仲裁司法审查中的实体性公共秩序 被引量:10

Research on the Substantial Public Orders in Judicial Review of Sport Arbitration
摘要 当事人不服国际体育仲裁院(CAS)的体育仲裁裁决,只能向瑞士联邦最高法院提出上诉。瑞士联邦最高法院的司法审查实践表明,获得法院支持的实体性公共秩序的上诉理由,必须是在瑞士得到广泛认可的重大法律原则,兴奋剂禁赛处罚不会违反经济自由原则。当事人在庭审时需引用特定法条和先例,并举证说明具体案件违反公共秩序的方式,才可能推翻既判裁决。体育纪律处罚争议是上诉的主要类型,瑞士联邦最高法院在进行司法审查时,应考虑处罚是否存在一般替代措施,是否符合比例原则,运动员和体育组织间是否存在不平等地位,以及体育价值博弈关系等因素,才能做出裁决违反实体性公共秩序与否的判断。中国应尽快建立独立体育仲裁机制,人民法院对体育仲裁裁决应坚持有限审查原则。 The sport arbitration awards by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) can only be appealed to the Swiss Federal Tribunal. The judicial review of sport arbitration practice of the Swiss Federal Tribunal shows that reasonable public orders are the essential widely recog- nized values in Switzerland, but the suspension sanction because of doping does not violate the economic freedom principles. Appellants should quote specific articles and precedents to prove why arbitration award violates the public orders. Disciplinary sanctions are the main type dis- putes in sport arbitrations, Swiss Federal Tribunal should make a judgment on considering whether there is an alternative method, whether the sanction met the requirements of principle of proportionality, the unbalanced position between athletes and sport organizations, and different values behind the sport competitions. China should establish independent sport arbitration system, the courts should review the sport arbitration awards strictly.
作者 熊瑛子
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期85-93,共9页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(11CFX076)
关键词 体育仲裁 实体性公共秩序 体育纪律处罚 中国 sport arbitration substantial public orders disciplinary sanctions China
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