目的 了解湖北省精神卫生服务人员现状,为人力资源规划提供基本依据.方法 采用自制调查表对全省精神卫生机构人力资源现状进行调查.结果 全省有精神科医师1 398人(2.44/10万人);精神科护士3 175人(5.55 人/10万人);心理治疗师293人(0.51 人/10万人);全省21个县(市)无在岗精神科医护人员,37.8%机构未设置精神疾病预防科开展精神社区服务.结论 全省人力资源分布不均衡,区域差异明显;服务人员整体结构欠合理,专业种类不全;人员总体素质偏低,规范服务能力不足,难以满足社区精神卫生工作.
Objective To understand current status of mental health service personnel in Hubei Province, and provide evidence for human resource management. Methods Distributed self-- developed questionnaires to all mental health facilities in order to investigate current status of mental health service personnel. Results There were 1 398 psychiatrists in Hubei Province, equivalent to 2.44 per one hundred thousand people; 3 175 psychiatric nurses, equivalent to 5.55 per one hundred thousand people; and 293 psychotherapists, equivalent to 0.51 per one hundred thousand people. Within the province, there were 21 cit- ies and counties that hod no mental health specialists and 37.8% of mental health facilities didn't have mental illness prevention department for community mental health services. Conclusions The mental health human resource distribution has been uneven in whole province, and the regional difference has been significant. As a whole, the structure of mental health care provider is yet to be enhanced, and the variety of healthcare provider does not fully meet the community the needs; overall, the quality of the provider, including the mentality of providing standardized service, need to be enriched before meeting the need to complete community mental health services.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Mefltal health
Human resource
Hubei Province