95598作为国家电网公司24 h服务热线,承担着故障报修、投诉举报、咨询查询等话务服务工作,为提高服务效率,服务热线系统采用互动式语音应答(Interactive Voice Response,IVR)服务器用于提供语音导航服务,但由于网络传输等多种原因,可能导致语音导航异常。国网山东省电力公司通过容错技术对IVR进行完善,减少因随路数据不完整、IVR无法获取坐席工号、线路忙、网络故障等原因造成的电话遗失、客户挂机的情况,缩短了95598应急服务响应时间,增强了远程服务调控能力,提高了客户诉求受理效率,提升了国家电网品牌形象及服务质量。
As a 24 hours service hotline of the State Grid,95598 assumes services including failure repair,customer complaints,service enquiry and so on.To improve service efficiency,the hotline system uses IVR server to provide the voice navigation service.However,the abnormal voice navigation could occur because of the bad network transmission condition or other factors.The IVR is improved by using fault-tolerant technology to reduce the frequency of phone call missing and client hang up which are caused by incomplete transmission data,no seats number,busy line,error network,etc.The response time of 95598 emergency service is reduced,and the control ability of remote service is enhanced,the processing efficiency of customer request is improved,and the brand influence and service quality of State Grid are improved finally.
Shandong Electric Power