In-Situ Observation of Co Rearrangement of Near-Surface Skin Layer in Al70Ni15Co15 Quasicrystal
In-Situ Observation of Co Rearrangement of Near-Surface Skin Layer in Al70Ni15Co15 Quasicrystal
Using anomalous X-ray scattering, kinetics of X-ray diffuse scattering in an Al70Ni15Co15 decagonal quasicrystal was investigated at fixed temperature (807℃). Short-range order diffuse scattering from the single quasicrystal disappeared gradually on time scale. At the same time, some extra weak Debye rings appeared near the Bragg reflection. The volume of the polycrystallization is quite small due from the intensity ratio of weak powder patterns to the Bragg reflection. The extremely weak Debye rings were observed only near the Co K-edge. By the Co enhancement using anomalous X-ray scattering, we might probe the local movement of Co atoms in the skin layer as well as Al enrichment and Co depletion on the surface of decagonal Al65Co20Cu15.
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