软件学院的补课登记是由教务处老师手工完成的,工作量大而繁琐,还容易出现误差。本课题采用B/S模式,实现全院课程调整的管理,包括停课及补课登记等功能,可以较好地解决以上的问题。同时还实现了管理员安排课程等后台功能。本课题使用ASP.NET作为开发技术,利用SQL Server 2000设计后台数据库以及ADO.NET数据库访问技术,实现对数据库的各种管理操作,实现了学院补课登记管理的基本功能。
The remedial registration in Software College is completed manually by teachers in the Office of A-cademic Affairs, which results in a great and complex workload, and can easily cause errors. This paper, by using B/S mode, realizes the management of courses in the College, including class suspension, remedial registration and other functions which can effectively solve the above problems. At the same time, the system also implements course arrangements, and other back end functions, This project, by using ASP.NET as the development technolo-gy, SQL Server 2000 to design the database, and ADO.NET to get access to and manage the database, has realized the basic functions for the management of registration of making up missed courses.
Science Mosaic