

Calculation of Soil Pressure Considering the Softening of Soft Soil during Earthquakes
摘要 对于地震作用下挡土墙的土压力,在以往的计算中仅仅把动荷载加于挡土墙上,或者将土的内摩擦角适当的减少,然后仍按静止土压力计算。本文通过动三轴试验研究软土在动荷载作用下强度变化规律,给出土体软化后强度的确定方法,推导考虑地震等动载作用下考虑土体软化的土压力计算方法,通过实例计算对比考虑软化后土压力和不考虑软化的土压力计算结果,研究成果可为考虑地震荷载及其他动载作用下土压力的计算提供依据。 To calculate the soil pressure of a retaining wall during earthquakes,previous methods have added only the dynamic load applied to the retaining wall or made an appropriate reduction in the internal friction angle of the soil,before calculations based on the pressure at rest.This paper, through experimental study,determines the dynamic triaxial strength variation of soft soil under dynamic loading,and then provides a method for determining the strength of the softened soil.We develop a method for calculating soil pressure that considers the softening of soft soil during an earthquake.We compare the soil pressure results in example cases that consider the softening effect with those that do not consider the softening effect.Our research results provide a strong basis for calculating the influence of soil pressure under earthquake loads and other dynamic loads.
出处 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期457-461,共5页 China Earthquake Engineering Journal
基金 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(13JCZDJC35300)
关键词 软土软化 土压力 地震 强度折减 softening of soft soil soil pressure earthquake strength reduction
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