
OECD学前教育质量政策杠杆:背景、特点、八国实践经验及启示 被引量:12

OECD Policy Levers for Early Childhood Education:Backgrounds,Features and Practical Experiences from Eight Countries
摘要 基于多年实践探索与多国调研,OECD提出了有效提升学前教育质量的五大国家政策杠杆,该政策杠杆体系的构建基于OECD学前教育发展战略与学前教育质量评价观两个重要方面。长期调研与多国实践的有效性、强化学前教育质量保障的政府职能、终身学习理念的贯彻是OECD学前教育质量政策杠杆的突出特点。英国、挪威、瑞典、葡萄牙、芬兰、斯洛伐克、韩国、日本近年来根据各自国情与学前教育发展状况,聚焦某一政策杠杆,采取具体措施和行动来推动本国学前教育质量提升,取得了宝贵实践经验。 There's a general agreement that quality matters in gaining significant pay-offs in early childhood education and care (ECEC) worldwide. Based on long-term practice and investigations, OECD suggested five key policy levers to be effective in promoting quality in ECEC. It is found that OECD's ECEC strategy and the view of ECEC assessment are important backgrounds. The main features of these policy levers are as follows : effective ness based on practice and investigations;emphasizing government responsibility in guarantee of ECEC quality; reflecting the concept of lifelong learning. And ECEC practice of policy levers in England,Norway,Sweden, Portugal, Finland, Slovak Republic, Korea and Japan is valuable and can be used for reference.
作者 沙莉 霍力岩
出处 《现代教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期112-117,共6页 Modern Education Management
基金 2013年度北京市哲学社会科学规划项目"基于人口预测的北京市幼教师资需求分析:2015-2025"(13JYC022) 北京市高等学校"青年英才计划"资助项目"发达国家幼儿教师‘职级资格制度’研究"
关键词 学前教育质量 OECD政策杠杆 欧亚八国实践经验 背景与特点 quality of early childhood education OECD policy levers eight countries from European and Asian backgrounds and features
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