
引进国外在线课程资源的本土化策略研究 被引量:5

Research on Localisation Strategies for Imported Online Curriculum Resources
摘要 进入本世纪以来,全球化趋势发展迅猛,为远程开放教育提供了很多新的机会,同时也带来诸多挑战。与全球化相对应的就是本土化,国外优秀的课程资源的引入即涉及如何进行本土化的问题。《国家开放大学建设方案》明确提出了要落实国家教育发展规划纲要中引进境外优质数字化教育资源和培养国际化人才的要求,中央广播电视大学和英国开放大学合作开发的纯在线教学资源"中英三门课"1即是这方面的成功探索,相应的较为有效的本土化策略值得深入研究,进而为未来国家开放大学引入(在线)课程资源提供本土化策略指导和建议。该研究使用了国际常见的半结构化的深度访谈的方法,通过质的研究,得出了引进资源的"有限本土化"和"国际化的本土化"等策略,无论对于国家开放大学还是其它的教育机构或企事业单位将来引入资源的本土化,都有较强的指导作用和借鉴意义。 In the new millennium, the rapid globalisafion process brings open and distance education both emerging opportunities and various challenges. Contrary to globalisation is localisation. Importing globalised quality curriculum resources involves the issues of localisation. Strategic Plan for the Open University of China points out that requirements on importing from abroad excellent educational resources and cultivating globalised talents in State Outline Program for Medium and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development (2010-2020) will be implemented. The pure-online etutor training courses co-developed by the Open University of China and Open University UK are such successful attempts. The related effective localisation strategies deserve further studies in order to offer perspectives and suggestions for importing curriculum resources by the Open University of China in the future. The common semi-structured interviews in the west are employed in the studies. The qualitative research leads to such localisation strategies as 'limited localisation' and 'internationalised localisation', which has not been formulated in the literature. The strategies will be helpful in guiding importing resources from abroad by the Open University of China, other educational institutions and enterprises.
作者 韩艳辉
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期73-80,共8页 China Educational Technology
基金 中央广播电视大学2011年重点课题"国外课程资源的本土化研究"(课题批准号:G11AQ0009Z)阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 纯在线课程 本土化策略 引进资源 开放大学 Pure-online Courses Localisation Strategies Imported Resources the Open University of China the Open University UK
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