
基于核心资源的中小学数字化建设——对美国有关政策和实践的思考 被引量:8

School's Digitalization Based on the Core Resources Development: Review of the USA's Practical and Political Experiments
摘要 美国中小学数字化发展通过数字教科书、网络课程和虚拟学校等形式对美国中小学布局调整,为教育教学模式转换提供了广阔空间。美国中小学数字化发展还表现出围绕核心资源建设,满足课程标准要求,对课堂教学深度渗透等特征,美国上述发展特征对我国中小学数字化发展,在政策方向上明确政府职能、在学校教育和课堂教学上明确发展方向、在教育内容和技术服务产业上协调整合力量等具有一定的借鉴意义。 The development of school's digitalization in USA expands the possibility of public school structure, system and teaching reforming and transformation through e-textbook, online courses and virtual schools. It also shows three important features: based on the core resources, fulfill the requirement of education standards and deeply fused in class activities. Those features provide us valuable references to clarify developing directions, government duties and other society parts abilities on the digitalization of schools.
作者 刘翠航
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期89-92,103,共5页 China Educational Technology
关键词 中小学 数字化 美国 核心资源 School's Digitalizafion USA Core Resources
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