
海藻药性与应用特点探析 被引量:15

Exploration and Analysis of the Herbal Nature and Application Characteristics of Sargassum
摘要 在查阅《神农本草经》、《名医别录》及《海药本草》等代表性本草中有关海藻的药性记载基础上,对《外科正宗》、《证治准绳》及《医宗金鉴》等典籍中海藻的配伍情况进行归纳概括,总结出海藻的用药特点、配伍规律,获得海藻的临床应用规律。结果表明,自1963年版《中国药典》起,将海蒿子和羊栖菜二种同为主流品种收入正品药材。但除海蒿子和羊栖菜外,尚有他种植物,在全国不同地区,作"海藻"药用。其中大部分为马尾藻科马尾藻属植物,性状相似,不易区分。本草对海藻的炮制方法不尽相同,现代炮制多洗净切段生用。历代对海藻药性的记载内容相似,均为苦,咸,寒。功效以化痰软坚,消瘿散结,利水消肿为主。但也存在不同之处,如《药性论》记载海藻"有小毒",后世本草多从无毒之说。海藻在临床上常用于治疗瘿瘤、瘰疬、水肿、脚气和小便不利等。本草记载海藻的应用禁忌提示海藻不宜多服,孕妇忌服,体弱者慎服,脾胃虚寒者慎用。此外,历代医书均记载海藻与甘草相反。对海藻的本草考证研究(包括资源、炮制、临床应用及禁忌),是开展海藻现代化研究的基础,对于现代的药效学、药理学研究以及开展临床试验具有重要的指导意义。 Based on a systematic search for the herbal nature of Sargassum in classical traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) books 〈 Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica 〉, 〈 Appendant Records of Famous Physicians 〉 and 〈 Extrinsic Materia Medica 〉, the compatibility of Sargassum was concluded in books 〈 Surgery Authority 〉, 〈 Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment 〉 and 〈 Golden Mirror of Medicine 〉 and the medication feature, compatibility law, clinical application regularity of Sargassum was summarized. The results showed that S. pallidum and S.fusiforme had been listed as ‘Haizao’ since the 1963 version of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. However, other seaweeds, most of which belong to the Sargassum genus, were used as ‘Haizao’ in different regions in China. It was often a difficult task to identify these Sargassum species. The processing methods were different in classical TCM books. Sargassum was washed quickly and cut into sections according to the modern processing method. The medicinal characteristics of Sargassum were bitter, salty and cold, which were similar in classical TCM books. Sargassum was used to treat goiter, scrofula, swelling and pain of testes, oedema due to retention of phlegm and morbid fluids. 〈 Discussion on Property of Materia Medica 〉 stated that Sargassum was little toxic, which was different from other ancient Chinese medicinal books. Sargassum was used to treat various diseases such as goiter, scrofula, edema, beriberi and difficult urination clinically. The contraindications of Sargassum indicated that it should not be used excessively. The pregnant women should avoid using it. People who were weak, deficiency in spleen and stomach should use it carefully. In addition, Sargassum and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma were incompatible herbs based on TCM documents. The review of the resource, processing, clinical application and contraindications of Sargassum is the foundation for the modern research. The results would have guiding significance for the clinical application, pharmacodynamic and pharmacological study of Sargassum.
机构地区 南京中医药大学
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第23期233-238,共6页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2011CB505300)
关键词 海藻 药性 应用特点 Sargassum herbal nature application characteristics
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