Objective To evaluate the occurrence rate and strains of bacterial contamination on bandage contact lenses after photorefraetive keratectomy (PRK). Methods In the prospective study,50 patients ( 100 eyes)underwent PRK. Conjunctival sac secre- ta were placed onto a chocolate agar before PRK. All patients accepted bandage contact lenses and anti-inflammatory drug therapy. After PRK, contact lenses and conjunctival sac secreta were also placed onto the chocolate agar. Corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure and corneal thickness were compared between the contact lenses with and without bacterial contamination. Results Among 100 pieces of cornea contact lens ,3 pieces( 3% )were contaminated with bacteria that were staphylococcus epidermis. Of the 3 pieces, 1 piece was a "PureVision( balafilcon A)Visibility Tinted Contact Lense" and 2 pieces were "SofLens Toric (alphafilcon A)Visibility Tinted Con- tact Lenses". No bacteria were found in conjunctival sac secreta before and after operation and no postoperative eye infection was found. There was a difference in tear secretion between the bacterial contamination positive and negative groups. The difference in tear secre- tion may be related to bacterial contamination. Conclusion Bacterial contamination is possible when using bandage contact lenses after PRK, specially for patients with less tear secretion.
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine