
不同农作物秸秆收储运模式成本和能耗比较 被引量:19

Comparation on cost and energy consumption with different straw's collection-store-transportation modes
摘要 为降低农作物秸秆收储运过程中成本和能耗损失,选择合适的收储运组合模式,促进秸秆规模化利用,该文建立了基于设备—人工—费用的秸秆收储运数学模型,并以华北平原为例,分析不同秸秆收储运模式(分为集中型、分散型;人工收集、机械收集等)和不同秸秆收集量对成本、能耗的影响以及人工、设备的实际需求。结果表明,秸秆收储运成本一般在120~260元/t之间,秸秆收储运能耗在(1.2~5.5)x10^5 kJ/t之间;田间机械收集比人工捡拾成本低,但所需设备投资较高,能耗明显升高;人工收集则需要大量的人工。收集方式相同时,集中型收储运模式成本和能耗都比分散型低;人工收集时秸秆收集量小于25万t或机械收集时收集量小于50万t,建议选择集中型收储运模式,否则选择分散型收储运模式。该文建立的收储运数学模型,为选择合适的秸秆收储运组合模式提供了参考依据;对促进秸秆能源利用,具有很大的指导意义。 In order to select appropriate mode of crop straw’s collection-storage-transportation, and promote the large-scale use of straw resources, the mathematical model about straw’s collection, storage and transportation was established, which was based on the equipment, manpower, and cost on the North China Plain. By analyzing different modes about straw’s collection-storage-transportation (which was divided into centralized model, decentralized mode; collected by manpower, collected by machinery), the effect of cost and energy consumption were different. Because of the different amounts of straw collection, manpower and equipments were demanded in mathematical models. The results showed that the cost of straw’s collection-storage-transportation was 120- 260 Yuan/t, the fuel consumption of straw’s collection-storage-transportation was 1.2x105 - 5.5x105 kJ/t. While using machinery to collected straw in filed, the cost was lower than that by manpower; but the required equipment number was significantly more than thatneeded by manpower. Meanwhile, the energy consumption of equipment was significantly increased. On the contrary, collecting straw in filed by manpower needs a lot of manpower. The calculated results showed that the cost and energy consumption of centralized mode about equipment-manpower- cost was lower than decentralized mode when collecting by the same manner. Compared to the manpower collection, collection by machinery can reduce the total cost, but the initial investment was higher and the capacity in solving employment problem was lower. When the amount of crop straw collection increased from 5x10^4 to 50x10^4 t, the unit cost of mode A and B was monotonically increasing. As to mode C and D, it declined quickly from 5x10^4 to 25x10^4 t, then rose gradually from 25x10^4 to 50x10^4 t. Therefore, it can be concluded that the collection methods affected cost extremely. Collecting straw by manpower, the mode of A and C curved intersect at 250 000 t; Or else, the mode of B and D curved intersect at 500 000 t. When the collected amount of crop straw increased from 5x10^4 to 50x10^4 t, the unit energy consumptions of mode A and B increased, with slow upward trend rate; On the contrary, from 5x10^4 to 25x10^4 t straw collection, the unit energy consumption of mode C and D was decreasing, when the collected amount of crop straw was 18x10^4 and 12x10^4 t, the unit energy consumption curves of mode B and C2 could intersect; Similarly, the unit energy consumption curves of mode A2 and C1 also could intersect. In this circumstance, when the collected amount was less than the intersection, the energy consumption of mode B and A2 was lower than mode C2 and C1. Therefore, the energy consumption of centralized mode is lower when the crop straw amount collected is less, it is recommended to choose centralized mode; Otherwise, decentralized mode is the better choice.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第20期259-267,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 '十二五'国家科技计划课题(2012BAD30B0202)
关键词 秸秆 储存 运输 收集 模型 成本 能耗 straw storage transportation collection model cost energy consumption
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