认识农户土地利用投入的变化规律,把握当前农户的生产意愿,对制订相关政策,确保国家的粮食安全具有重要意义。该文采用分层随机抽取样本的方法,基于湖北省咸宁市1 252个农户家庭的调查数据,从粮食生产过程中涉及到的劳动力、土地资源、农业机械、化肥与农药等生产因素方面,对1981年以来农户的土地利用投入要素的变化特征及当前的土地利用意愿进行了分析。结果表明:近30 a来,农户在土地利用过程中投入的劳动力与用于主要粮食生产的土地面积明显下降,而化学肥料与农药总投入量明显增加;经济因子与农机技术进步是驱动农户行为变化最重要的2个因素,劳动力转移与"三补一免"等惠农政策对农户土地利用投入变化的影响有限;农户农地利用的目标出现显著分化,传统"全民式粮食生产模式"正向"专业化规模化农户生产模式"转变,专业化规模生产农户应是国家惠农政策重点补贴与扶持的对象;国家在进一步促进土地流转的同时,如何有效稳定主要粮食作物的生产面积,需要更加积极的调控对策引导;随着边际土地从农地利用范畴析出,区域性生态好转出现新的机遇,国家宜出台生态用地整理的相关政策,提升区域性生态服务功能。
Understanding the variation characteristics of farmers' behavior in land use investment and comprehending the current farmers' willingness of land use and food production are very useful and necessary for the formulation of relevant policies to ensure the security of China's food. With a stratified random sample method, 23 villages of 4 counties, 1 city and 1 region in Xianning city were surveyed and 1252 farmers' behavior data in land use was collected. From the perspective of the main factors of food production such as labor forces, land resources, agricultural machinery, fertilizers and pesticides, the farmers' behavior changes in land use investment from 1981 to 2011 and their current willingness of food production were analyzed in this paper. The results showed: 1) In aspect of labor investment, rural labors substantially shift to non-agricultural areas outside the region, the current main agricultural labors were characterized by female, middle-aged and low educational degree labor force. The labor investment per unit of land area reduced two-thirds significantly from 1981 to 2011. 2) In aspect of land resources input, because of the influence of land circulation, the actual operation of farm household farming land scale had significantly increased trend. However, farmers had not enlarged the main food crops' area. The double cropping paddy such as early paddy and late paddy transferred to middle-season paddy as well as paddy field shifted to dry land. As a result, the area of three kind food crops had shrunk by one seventh during the past 30 years. 3) As for the other factors of production inputs, farmyard manures were reduced, NPK chemical fertilizers were gradually replaced by compound fertilizers. The consumption of pesticides increased quickly. More and more families used agricultural machinery service in cultivation; the level of agricultural mechanization was improved significantly. 4) Agricultural technological progress and economic reason are two most important driving factors to effect farmers' behavior change in land use, the preferential agricultural policies such as "three make up one free" had limited impact on farmers' investment behavior. 5) The target of farmers' land use was divided into differentiation. The two thirds farmers just produce grain for his family, to some extent, it may will affect the safety of the food market. There farmers producing grain for market will become more and more important to regional food safety. The traditional model of "every family producing food" was replaced by the .new model of "more specialized and large-scale peasant household production". Government land and agricultural policies, such as land consolidation and preferential agricultural policy, should focus on these farmers and support large-scale professional management farmers, and encourage small farmers out of agriculture to non-agricultural industries. 6) How to effectively stabilize the production area of main food crops is a severe problem. It needs more positive strategies to guide regulation of farmer's behavior in land use. With the conversion of marginal cultivated land to ecological land, the ecological land increased and the rural region has a precious opportunity to improve the ecosystem quality and enhance regional ecosystem services.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering