
非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者尿酸水平与人体测量学指标的研究 被引量:3

Research of serum uric acid level and anthropometric indications of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
摘要 目的探讨非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者人体测量学指标与血尿酸水平的关系。方法选择2010年1月至2012年8月经彩色多普勒超声及肝组织活检诊断为NAFLD患者109例为NAFLD组,选择同期健康体检者47例为非NAFLD组。常规测量两组人员人体测量学指标[身高、体质指数、腰围(WC)、臀围]及生物化学指标[空腹血糖(FBG)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、血尿酸(SUA)]。结果与非NAFLD组相比,NAFLD组患者BMI显著增高(P=0.000),腰围(WC)亦显著增高(P男性=0.000;P女性=0.026)。NAFLD组男性人员患者腰臀比(WHR)明显高于非NAFLD组男性人员患者(P=0.000),而两组女性人员患者WHR差异无统计学意义(P=0.119)。相对于非NAFLD组,NAFLD组男性患者血尿酸(SUA)水平明显高于非NAFLD组(P=0.000),而两组女性人员患者SUA水平差异亦无统计学意义(P=0.386)。结论高尿酸血症(HUA)与NAFLD患者人体测量学指标变化及性别相关。 Objective To explore the relationship between anthropometric indications and the serum uric acid level in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods From January 2010 to August 2012, 109 patients with NAFLD diagnosed by color doppler ultrasound and liver biopsy was NAFLD group and 47 healthy people was non-NAFLD group. The anthropometric indications of patient were measured, including height, body weight, waist and hip circumference, the biochemical test including fasting blood glucose (FBG), triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), serum uric acid (SUA) were also measured. Results Compared with non-NAFLD group, BMI (P = 0.000) and WC (Pmale = 0.000, Pfemale = 0.026) were significantly higher in patients with NAFLD group. Male WHR of NAFLD group is significantly higher than non-NAFLD group with NAFLD group (P = 0.000), but female WHR of two groups has no significant differencebetween the two groups (P = 0.119). Male SUA levels of NAFLD group is also higher than that of non-NAFLD group with NAFLD group (P = 0.000), but female SUA levels of two groups has no significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.386). Conclusions Hyperuicemia (HUA) was related to anthropometric indexes of patients with NAFLD and gender.
出处 《中国肝脏病杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2014年第3期6-9,共4页 Chinese Journal of Liver Diseases:Electronic Version
基金 中国肝炎防治基金会天睛肝病研究基金(TQGB2011018) 福建省漳州市科技计划资助项目(Z04094)
关键词 脂肪肝 非酒精性 尿酸 Fatty liver, nonalcoholic Uric acid
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