
社会化媒体环境下危机事件非对称性现象分析 被引量:4

Analysis on the Asymmetry Phenomenon of the Crisis Events under the Social Media Environment
摘要 社会化媒体时代的到来,不仅仅是一种技术的更新,还极大地改善了信息的传播环境。社会化媒体环境下,危机事件呈现出易受民众关注、易"异变"、传播效果放大等新特性,需要进行深入研究。从社会化媒体环境下危机事件传播的新特性出发,探讨社会化媒体环境下的危机事件在危机事件类型、参与主体、发表渠道、民众抗争措施4个方面的非对称性现象,并分析了社会化媒体下危机事件发展各阶段非对称性现象的表现。最后,为政府避免社会化媒体环境下危机事件非对称性,有效控制危机事件事态提出相应对策。 The advent of the social media era brings the society not only a technical update, but also a great improvement of the informa-tion spread environment. Under the present new social media environment, crisis events are apt to be focused by the public, easy to "change", and have enlarged communication effect, these and other new features call for in-depth study. Starting from the new features of the spread of the crisis event in social media environment, this paper discusses the information transmission asymmetry phenomena from 4 aspects of crisis event type, participants, participation channels of the subject, and popular resistance measures taken by the public. Then, the paper analyzes the asymmetry phenomena related to the different stages of development of the crisis event. Finally, the paper puts for-ward some corresponding countermeasures to help government to avoid the asymmetry effect of crisis event under social media environment and control the crisis situation effectively.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期25-28,共4页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"社会化媒体环境下非对称性危机事件的演化仿真研究"(编号:13YJCZH062) 国家软科学基金资助项目"重特大灾害社会风险演化机理及多元治理研究"(编号:2013GXS4D113) 哈尔滨工程大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目"社会化媒体环境下非对称性危机事件演化博弈与治理机制研究"(编号:HEUCF140902)
关键词 社会化媒体 危机事件 非对称性 social media crisis event asymmetry
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