经不同生物杀菌剂对苹果轮纹病菌的毒力测定分析,为田间有效药剂筛选及配套使用技术提供重要依据。采用平皿法,试验并分析丁子香酚、梧宁霉素、多氧霉素、中生菌素、蛇床子素、宁南霉素生物杀菌剂对苹果轮纹病菌的抑菌效果。研究结果表明,6种生物杀菌剂对苹果轮纹病菌均表现出一定的毒力效果,但不同杀菌剂间的毒力差异较大。丁子香酚对苹果轮纹病菌抑菌效果最好,EC50仅为0.2162 mg/L;其次为梧宁霉素、多氧霉素、中生菌素,EC50值分别为4.0992 mg/L、10.9849 mg/L、18.8762 mg/L;蛇床子素和宁南霉素效果较差,EC50分别75.3819 mg/L和75.9982 mg/L。
The toxicities of different bio-fungicides against Physalospora piricola in laboratory were analyzed in order to provide the foundation for screening and management of good fungicides in the field. The antibacterial effects of 6 bio-fungicides such as eugenol, tetramycin, polyoxin, zhongshengmycin, cnidiadin and ningnanmycin against Physalospora piricola were conducted with mycelium growth inhibition method. The results presented that effects of different bio-fungicides were quite different. Eugenol was the most effective biofungicide with the EC50 value of 0.2162 mg/L. Tetramycin, polyoxin and zhongshengmyein showed well control effect to Physalospora piricola with the EC50 values of 4.0992 mg/L, 10.9849 mg/L and 18.8762 mg/L respectively. But cnidiadin and ningnanmycin were not ideal biofungicides with the EC50 values of 75.3819 mg/L and 75.9982 mg/L.
Chinese Horticulture Abstracts
山东省科技攻关计划项目(2008GG10009028和2011 GNC11002)