
数字填图在区域地质调查中的应用——以青海马海湖地区1:5万黄沙包幅为例 被引量:6

Application of Digital Mapping Techniques in Regional Geological Surveying——Setting Huangshabao Sheet with the Scale of 1:50000 as an Example
摘要 区域地质调查在国民经济各个领域的基础性、公益性中占据十分重要的地位。PRB数字填图技术在1∶5万黄沙包幅区域地质调查中效果良好。介绍了数字填图从野外PRB过程、室内PRB过程和最终阶段成果PRB过程,说明了区域地质调查填图数字化准确性、高效性。 Regional geological survey has important significance in basic and public geological work of national eco-nomic construction in all areas.PRB digital mapping technique has good effect in regional geological survey of Huangshabao sheet with the scale of 1∶50000.In this paper,PRB proeedure of digital mapping techniques from field to indoor and the final production have been introduced.It proves that digital teehniques in region geological survey are high-speed and precise.
出处 《山东国土资源》 2014年第9期88-92,共5页 Shandong Land and Resources
基金 中国地质调查局"青海省冷湖行委宗马海湖地区J46E010015 J46E010016 J46E011016 J46E011017四幅1:5万区域地质调查" 项目编号12120113033030
关键词 数字填图 区域地质调查 黄沙包幅 青海马海湖地区 Digital geological mapping regional geological survey Mahaihu area in Qinghai provinve
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