
上吸式固定床生物质气化的综合计算法模型 被引量:2

摘要 针对已有生物质气化模型在实际工程应用中的局限性,以Н.Н.Доброхотов提出的煤气化经验模型为基础,依据改用生物质成型燃料的3M13型上吸式气化炉所测数据,得到上吸式固定床生物质气化的综合计算法模型。该模型主要修正原模型干馏阶段的热解水、CO_2和焦油的产率;并在固定碳气化阶段,引入空气当量比作为参数,改进原模型中C/N特征值取值的随机性。通过与其他学者的上吸式气化炉生物质气化实验对比,模拟结果与试验数据符合良好,证明本模型在工程应用中模拟生物质上吸式固定床气化过程的可行性。 Н.Н.Доброхотов proposed an empirical model for coal gasification which improves the limitations of other theoretical models in engineering applications. With this method, a comprehensive calculation model for biomass gasification in updraft fixed bed gasifier was proposed based on the measured data of biomass pellets gasification in 3M13 gasifier. In this model, the yields of pyrolysis water, CO2 and tar in carbonization stage of the original model was modified. In addition, equivalence ratio (ER) is introduced to amend the random eigenvalue n of C/N ratio in fixed-carbon gasification stage of the original model. The simulated results were compared with the actual experimental results and other scholars of the experimental data, which shows a largely satisfactory agreement and proves the effectiveness and reliability of this model.
出处 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2210-2215,共6页 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
基金 沈阳市科学技术计划(090102) 辽宁省教育厅科研项目(L2013495)
关键词 生物质 上吸式固定床 气化 空气当量比 模型 biomass updraft fixed bed gasification air equivalence ratio model
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