
我国产业集群双重锁定的形成机理与突破策略——基于集群知识守门者视角的案例研究 被引量:8

The Formation of Chinese Cluster's“Dual Locking”and Its Solution Policies—A Case Study Based on the View of Knowledge Gatekeepers
摘要 为突破我国集群双重锁定困局,文章在国外学者提出的"本地流转—全球管道"理论模型的基础上,将产业集群中的一类重要异质性主体即"知识守门者(Knowledge gatekeepers)"融入该模型,从而构建了产业集群的升级的"本地流转—知识守门者—全球管道"机制,这一机制的构建将有助于我国集群突破双重锁定并实现内外知识互动的开放式发展。文章最后结合苏州集成电路产业集群对上述理论框架进行了案例分析并提出了相关政策建议。 Industrial cluster is the main focus of theoretic and practical field, but some research indicate that the cluster in developing economy will encounter"dual locking". So, the article first analyses the formation mechanism of cluster's dual locking, and then absorbed the hypothesis of firm heterogeneity in"new-new economic geography", from the view of a type of very important in cluster—the Knowledge gatekeepers,and think that cluster should pay more attention to Knowledge gatekeepers,and building a framework of"local buzz- knowledge gatekeepers- global pipeline"to fulfill an open development of clusters in China, and at last we carries a case study on Suzhou IC industry cluster to prove our theory and give four suggestions for Chinese cluster's open upgrading.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期101-106,共6页 Economic Geography
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年项目(13YJC630238) 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(14JJ3140) 湖南省社会科学基金项目(13YBA094)
关键词 产业集群 双重锁定 知识守门者 转型升级 industrial cluster dual locking knowledge gatekeeper cluster firm' s heterogenicity
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