
探究、专业学习与实践:西方中小学教师科研共同体的概念框架之研究述评 被引量:6

Inquiry,Professional learning,and Practice:Three Key Concepts to Understand Community of Teacher-researchers
摘要 中小学教师科研日益成为教师专业发展的主要模式,而教师合作环境与共同体的构建被认为是教师科研得以成功的关键。探究共同体、专业学习共同体和实践共同体这三个概念往往被西方研究者用来形容、分析和研究教师合作开展教育科研所形成的共同体。基于文献梳理,本文对三者进行了比较分析,并认为"探究"、"专业学习"与"实践"是我们理解、分析并推动中小学教师科研共同体发展的关键要素。 As teacher research in primary and secondary school becomes one major approach to teachers' professional development, collaborative setting and constructing community is considered to be the key of teacher research. Researchers always use three kind of conceptual framework to describe, research, and analyze the research community composed by teacher-researchers, that is, community of inquiry, professional learning community and community of practice. Comparing these three kinds of community, the review made the conclusion, that is, "inquiry", "professional learning", and "practice" is three key concepts through which we could understand teacher research community better; and, these related and different communities respectively offer one distinct and valuable perspective to analyze the collaborative phenomena of teacher research based on schools.
作者 王晓芳
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期40-47,共8页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
关键词 教师科研 探究共同体 专业学习共同体 实践共同体 Teacher research community of inquiry professional learning community community ofpractice
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