

Simulation of Terahertz Filter
摘要 对基于高电阻系数硅的金属结构太赫兹滤波器进行了设计仿真,采用时域有限积分算法并通过三维全波仿真软件对滤波器结构中各项参数对性能的影响做了比较和研究,为太赫兹滤波器的设计提供了理论支撑。 This paper designs and simulates a kind of terahertz filter of metal structure based on high-resistivity silicon, adopts finite-integral algorithm in time-domain to compare and study the in- fluence of each parameter in filter structure on the performances by 3-D full-wave simulation soft- ware,which presents theory support for the design of THz filters.
作者 桂盛
出处 《舰船电子对抗》 2014年第5期98-100,105,共4页 Shipboard Electronic Countermeasure
关键词 滤波器 金属结构 仿真 filter metal structure simulation
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