在分析比较GB 20044的2012版与2005版的标准差异的基础上,重点解读了移动式剩余电流保护装置(PRCD)在标志、结构、试验要求,以及认证试验用试品数量方面的技术差异。能有效地为生产企业重点理解新标准技术差异、开展PRCD产品认证提供参考。
Based on the analysis and comparison of the 2012 edtion and 2005 edition of national standard GB 20044,this paper mainly interpreted the technical difference of portable residual current device( PRCD) in symbol,structure,test requirement and sample number of test. It can effectively provide reference for manufacturers to understand the technical difference of new standard and to implement PRCD product certification.
Electrical & Energy Management Technology