

Reconfiguration Analysis for Notched Bands Based on Ultra-wideband Antenna
摘要 设计了一种具有双陷波特性的超宽带单极子天线,在天线中加入两个"U"形缝隙结构,分别在3.3GHz^3.6GHz和5.15GHz^5.825GHz两个频段处产生陷波,并用传输线等效模型对陷波产生的原因进行了分析。在陷波缝隙处加入三个开关结构,对陷波频段进行控制。分析了开关状态的变化对等效电路的影响,对不同开关状态的超宽带天线进行制作并测试。结果表明,天线可以在无陷波、3.5GHz单一陷波、5.5GHz单一陷波和双陷波四种工作状态之间进行转换。 A novel planar ultra-wideband antenna with dual band-notched characteristics is proposed.Two U-shaped slots are embedded into the radiating patch,to obtain the notched bands at frequency of 3.5GHz and 5.5GHz,and the cause of notched band is analyzed with the transmission line model theory.Three switches are embedded into the notched slot to reconfigure the notched band.The influence from the states of the switches changed has been analyzed according to equivalent circuits evolving from the transition-line theory.The measured results show that the UWB antennas have the ability to transition within the four working states which comprise no notched band,3.5GHz single notched band,5.5GHz single notched band and both notched bands,providing clear evidence for the achievement of the band-notched characteristics reconfiguration.
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2014年第11期64-68,共5页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 超宽带天线 双陷波 U型缝隙 等效电路 陷波频段可控 ultra-wideband antenna dual notched bands U-shaped slot equivalent electro circuits reconfiguration for notched bands
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