
产流误差的动态系统响应曲线修正方法应用 被引量:3

Application of Runoff Error Correction Based on Dynamic System Response Curve
摘要 产流误差的动态系统响应曲线修正方法(DynamicSystemResponseCurve,DSRC)是一种基于微分响应来反演修正的实时修正方法.简要介绍了实时修正概念和三水源新安江模型的结构、计算原理,详细阐述了DSRC的基本修正原理和过程.基于东圳流域1965~1999年共16场历史洪水运用三水源新安江模型洪水预报的结果,分别采用DSRC和二阶自回归(AR)模型进行实时修正.分析比较这16场历史洪水的平均修正结果,表明对洪水预报进行实时修正能提高预报精度,且采用DSRC的修正效果比AR模型更好. Runoff error correction based on dynamic system response curve (DSRC) is a real-time correction method which used the calculus for inverting. The structure and calculation principle of Xin'anjiang model is briefly introduced~ and the modified principle and process of DSRC are described in detail. According to the flood forecasting by Xin'anjiang model of 16 history floods in 1965--1999 in Dongzhen Basin, DSRC and the autoregressive model are both used for the real-time correction of the floods. The average correction results show that the real-time correction method can improve the precision of the flood forecasting and the DSRC method is better than autoregressive method for Dongzhen Basin.
出处 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第6期6-9,共4页 Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences
基金 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(CXZZ13_0250) 国家自然科学基金面上基金(51279057) 国家重点实验室专项基金(2009585412)
关键词 动态系统响应曲线 实时修正 东圳流域 洪水预报 自回归模型 dynamic system response curve real-time correction method~ Dongzhen Basin flood forecasting autoregressive model
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