目的探讨成人斜视生存质量量表在成人斜视患者术前生存质量状况评估中的最佳临界值。方法对306例成人斜视患者,于入院第1天采用成人斜视生存质量量表及国家眼科研究视功能量表进行调查,以国家眼科研究视功能量表作为诊断"金标准",绘制受试者工作特征曲线,确定成人斜视生存质量量表的最佳临界值。结果成人斜视生存质量量表得分与国家眼科研究视功能量表得分呈正相关(r=0.481,P<0.01);当成人斜视生存质量量表临界值为74.5时,受试者工作特征曲线在左上方离标准参照线最远,此时灵敏度、特异度、假阴性率及假阳性率分别为0.784、0.875、0.216、0.125。受试者工作特征曲线下面积为0.893,面积的标准误为0.038。由于量表采用Likert 5级评分,临界值取为整数74分。结论成人斜视生存质量量表在斜视患者术前生存质量状况评估中的最佳临界值为74分,是成人斜视患者术前生存质量状况评估的有效工具。
Objective To determine the critical value of adult strabismus questionnaire in preoperative quality of life assessment for strabismus patients. Methods A prospective cohort of 306 adult strabismus patients completed the Chinese version of AS-20 and the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire(NEI-VFQ-25) at the first day of their hospitalization. and the NEI-VFQ-25 was regarded as the gold standard for assessment of AS-20. Results The total score of AS-20 had significant correlations with the total score of NEI-VFQ-25(r=0.481, P〈0.01). The optimal critical value for AS-20 was 74.5, the sensitivity, specificity false negative rate and false positive rates were 0.784, 0.875, 0.216 and 0.125 respectively. The areas under the curve was 0.893 and finally the critical value was 74 since Likert5 Scale was applied in the study. Conclusion The optimal critical value of AS-20 for the adult strabismus patients is 74, and it is a reliable instrument in preoperative quality of life assessment for adult strabismus patients.
Journal of Nursing(China)