

A Study on Promoting Ecological Civilization through Higher Education
摘要 随着工业革命和全球经济的发展,人类赖以生存的能源与资源面临枯竭,生态环境的恶化越来越严重,只有建设生态文明才能迎接这一挑战。作为人才培养摇篮的高等教育在生态文明的建设无疑承担了新的重要使命。本文对当前国内外高等教育促进生态文明建设的实例进行了整理和分析,提出高等教育在促进生态文明建设中具有巨大作用,主要表现在四个方面:培养人的生态理念;创新和孕育生态科技;对社会提供生态示范以及为完善生态法制体系提供智慧。 With the development of industrious revolution and global economy, human survival faces the increasing threat of resources exhaustion, environmental deterioration and other issues. The paper holds the view that only by building ecological civilization can these issues be addressed and as the cradle for training talents, higher education should shoulder the historical responsibility of promoting ecological civilization. With a detained analysis on concrete examples of the roles of higher education in building ecological civilization both at home and abroad, this essay focuses on the functions of higher education from four aspects: cultivating ecological ideas, creating ecological technology, setting good examples through green universities and offering intellectual resources for the improvement of ecological legal system.
作者 骆小平
出处 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2014年第4期70-74,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humane Science)
基金 国家社科基金"十二五"规划教育学规划课题(编号:AGA080340) 中国高等教育学会重大研究课题"遵循科学发展 建设高等教育强国之三:意义与使命"(编号:08QG01003)的阶段性成果
关键词 高等教育 生态理念 生态科技 生态示范 生态法制体系 higher education ecological ideas ecological technology ecological examples ecological legal system
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