
尿样储存时间对免疫化学发光法检测促性腺激素的影响 被引量:2

Effect of specimen storage time on determining urinary gonadotropin by ICMA
摘要 目的观察尿样储存时间对免疫化学发光法(ICMA)检测黄体生成素(LH)和卵泡刺激素(FSH)的影响。方法收集过夜晨尿储存于4℃,分别在第0 d-第7 d、第2周末-第7周末,采用ICMA检测LH、FSH。结果⑴无防腐剂和含防腐剂(丙三醇)尿样于第1 d-第3 d的LH,无防腐剂尿样于7周内、含防腐剂尿样于2周内的FSH,均分别与其第0 d的尿样差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。⑵7周内无防腐剂尿样LH、FSH占其第0 d尿样的百分比与时间的相关系数分别为-0.910和-0.212,含防腐剂的分别为-0.925和-0.609。⑶第7周末时无防腐剂和含防腐剂尿样LH的百分比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);无防腐剂尿样的FSH的百分比高于含防腐剂尿样(P〈0.05)。结论尿样储存于4℃,ICMA检测LH应在72 h内,FSH则可达7周,添加丙三醇防腐不延长检测活性。 Objective To investigate the effect of specimen storage time on determining urinary lutenizing hormone(LH) and follicular stimulating hormone(FSH) by immunochemiluminometric assays(ICMA).Methods The first morning-voided urine was collected and stored at 4℃.Urinary LH and FSH were assayed by ICMA at 0 - 7 day,and from the end of the second week to the end of the seventh week,respectively.Results Compared with the original specimen,urinary LH for all specimen was unaffected from the first to the third days,and urinary FSH within the seventh week for specimen without additives,and urinary FSH within the second week for specimen with additives(glycerol),too.There was no statistical significance in the comparison.The correlation between urinary LH in specimen without additives as a percentage of original LH and storage time was-0.910,for urinary FSH as a percentage of original FSH was-0.212.The correlation between urinary LH in specimen with additives as a percentage of original LH and storage time was-0.925,for urinary FSH as a percentage of original FSH was-0.609.By the end of the seventh week,there was no difference in the percent of urinary LH between specimen without additives and specimen with additives(P〉0.05).The percent of urinary FSH for specimen without additives was higher than that for specimen with additives(P〈0.05).Conclusion When urinary specimen are storaged at 4℃,ICMA can measure urinary LH within 72 h,and FSH up to 7 weeks.Adding glycerol as additives can not prolong biological activity.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2014年第22期3270-3272,3278,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 江苏省无锡市卫生局科研计划项目(Q201204) 2013年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXLX13_828) 江苏省卫生国际(地区)交流支撑计划(苏卫国合[2013]150号)
关键词 尿 储存时间 免疫化学发光法 黄体生成素 卵泡刺激素 Urine Storage time Immunochemiluminometric assays(ICMA) Lutenizing hormone Follicular stimulating hormone
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