
污染排放约束下中国农业水资源效率的区域差异与影响因素 被引量:101

Regional Disparity and Influencing Factors of Agricultural Water Resources Efficiency with the Constraint of Pollution
摘要 应用数据包络分析(DEA)构建了非径向方向性距离函数模型,采用全要素水资源效率的测度思路,对污染排放约束下中国分省份及区域的农业水资源效率进行了测度,并采用Bootstrap断尾回归模型对污染排放下农业水资源效率的影响因素进行了实证研究。2011年、2012年全国平均农业水资源效率分别为0.693、0.671,全国一半以上的省份未达到生产前沿。在八大区域中,北部沿海和黄河中游地区的农业水资源效率最高,西北地区和东北地区的农业水资源效率处于低水平。在诸多影响因素中,农田水利建设和环境规制对于提升我国农业水资源效率具有显著的促进作用,而水资源丰裕程度则具有显著的负面影响。 Within the framework of DEA, the paper constructs a non-radial directional distance function to measure agricultural water resource efficiency in China with the total factor water efficiency measurement method. Then the bootstrap truncated regression method is used to investigate the influencing factors. The results show that the average agricultural wa- ter resource efficiency of China is respectively 0. 693 and 0. 671 in 2011 and 2012. Half of the provinces in China do not reach the production frontier. In the eight regions, the northern coastal region and the middle reaches of the Yellow River have high agricultural water efficiency, and the efficiency of northwest and northeast is at a low level. In the influencing factors, farmland water conservancy construction and environmental regulation can significantly improve agricultural water resource efficiency, while the water resource abundance has significantly negative effect.
作者 杨骞 刘华军
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期114-128,158,共16页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 国家社科基金(12CJL066 13CJL069) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2013GM015) 山东省社会科学规划研究重大委托项目(14AWTJ01-12) 全国统计科研计划项目(2012LY120)的资助
关键词 污染排放 农业水资源效率 非径向方向性距离函数 数据包络分析 Pollutant Emission Agricultural Water Resource Efficiency Non-radial Directional Distance Function DEA
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