
构建企业污染物减排内外动力机制研究 被引量:1

Study on the Motivating Mechanism of China Enterprise's Pollutant Emission Reduction Based on ‘Internal-Externalforce’ Driving
摘要 我国污染物减排主要依靠政府的强力推动,企业在污染物减排实施中一直处于被动地位,其主体地位角色一直缺失。要建立长效的企业污染物减排实施机制需要实现企业主体"还位"。通过对我国企业污染物减排行为的博弈分析,探讨我国企业减排动力不足的内因和外因;并提出引入污染物排放信息披露制度强化减排监管力度,从外力驱动企业减排;建立排放权交易市场机制,发挥市场倒逼作用从内力驱动企业减排;并基于"双力"驱动对我国企业污染物减排动力机制进行设计,实现激发企业主动减排的目标。 The reduction of pollution emission can be done mainly rely on the government's strong promotion in China, while enterprises has not been in a dominant position but a passive position in the implementation of it. Obviously, enterprise is not dominant position in a mechanism that is not a long-term mechanism and needed to reform. After game analysis the reasons that China's enterprise is lack of power in the action of pollution emission, this paper introduced an emission information disclosure mechanism to strengthen supervision system, which can drive enterprise motive from the exterior. Meanwhile, it established an emissions trading market mechanism, made use of the forced role of market to drive enterprises motive from the interior. Based on the double-motive, we designed a motivating mechanism of pollution emission reduction to stimulate itself for China's enterprises.
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期91-96,共6页 Ecological Economy
基金 国土资源部公益行业科研专项"基于存量挖潜的产业发展用地调控技术研究"(201111010-03)
关键词 污染物减排 “双力”驱动 污染物排放信息披露 污染物排放权交易 动力机制 emission reduction double-motive pollution emissions disclosure pollution emissions trading motivating mechanism
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