目的:研究曲古抑菌素A( trichostatin A,TSA)对体外培养的人Tenon囊成纤维细胞( human Tenon capsule fibroblast, HTF)增殖能力以及组蛋白去乙酰化酶1( histone deacetylase 1,HDAC1)和HDAC2蛋白表达的影响。方法:取青光眼滤过术中Tenon囊组织进行HTF体外培养。选取第3~6代细胞进行实验。设置空白对照组及TSA组(600nmoL/LTSA加入培养液中),分别于培养后1,2,3d应用MTF法检测细胞活力变化;以600nmol/LTSA处理HTF2d后,Westernblot法检测细胞中HDAC1和HDAC2蛋白的表达。结果:与对照组比较,TSA作用1d后HTF活力下降,呈时间依赖性,具有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。TSA处理HTF后2d,Westernblot法检测HDAC1和HDAC2蛋白表达受到明显抑制。结论:TSA可以通过抑制HDAC1和HDAC2的表达量,抑制人Tenon囊成纤维细胞增殖,从而减少术后结膜瘢痕形成可能。
AIM:To investigate the effect of trichostatin A ( TSA) on cell proliferation and the expressions of histone deacetylase 1 ( HDAC1 ) and HDAC2 in cultured human Tenon capsule fibroblast ( HTF) . METHODS: Human Tenon capsule fibroblasts were cultured in vitro after glaucoma filtration surgery, The third to sixth passage of cell were treated by 600nmol/L TSA or none. Cell viability measured by Ml-r assay after 1, 2 and 3d respectively. The expressions of HDAC1 and HDAC2 were analyzed by Western blot 2d after TSA treatment. RESULTS: Compared to the control, cell viability decreased significantly after treatment with TSA at ld ( P〈 0.05), presented time-dependent manner. The expression of HDAC1 and HDAC2 significantly reduced in TSA-treated HTF compared with control cells at 2d after TSA treatment. CONCLUSION: TSA inhibits the proliferation of Tenon capsule fibroblast by inhibiting the expression of HDAC1 and HDAC2, and reduces subconjunctival scar formation.
International Eye Science