Theword“Jianshi”( 见 事 )wasseenintheinscriptionsonYanhouzhiding( 匽侯旨鼎). Scholars have had four different opinions on its meaning----to report in person the performance of one's official duties, to devote oneself to work, an etiquette, and to have an audience with the emperor. We agree with the first one. We also believe、 seen in the inscriptions on Yangfangding(扬方鼎) is exactly the word“Jianshi”(见事) rather than“Shishi”(视事). The word“Jianshi”(见士) found in KangAnnouncementofShangshu (《尚書?康誥》)and“Jianfu”(见服)fromtheinscriptionsonZuocehuyou(作冊 卣) sharethesamemeaningwith“Jianshi”(见事).Themeaningoftheword“Jianshi”(见事) seen in modern Chinese differs a lot from those ancient ones.