Guodian Bamboo Slips from Chu Tomb (郭店楚简),as a group ofclosed writing material,Truly refl ect the usage of Chinese characters in Chuguo ( 楚国) in Eastern Zhou period. We have compared the usage of Chinese characters in Chuguo ( 楚国) with that in the literature handed down from ancient times, and comprehensively combed complex relationships among the various kinds of forms. This article specifi cally make clear the Characters Used to Record the Word having same pronunciation which including having appeared the original form of a character and not. And the characters can be divided into two of the following: 1. having only the Characters Used to Record the Word having same pronunciation which having not appeared the original form of the character; 2. having the original and the Characters Used to Record the Word having same pronunciation which having appeared the original form of a character.
borrowing characters
phonetic loan characters
original characters
isomeric characters