开口齿轮是钻杆动力钳钳头部分的重要传动部件。目前,开口齿轮组的结构设计方法单一,造成体积较大。针对开口齿轮组的结构与布局,通过选取合适的结构参数作为输入变量,依据齿轮啮合条件和接触、弯曲疲劳强度等构造约束条件,以总体尺寸为优化目标,采用改进的粒子群算法(PSO)对开口齿轮组进行结构优化设计。分别将优化前后结构建模并导入ANSYS Workbench,通过模态分析对优化结果进一步论证。结果表明:采用改进PSO方法优化后的模型体积更小,同时各阶固有频率得到提高,说明该方法能够有效指导钻杆动力钳的开口齿轮结构设计,具有良好的工程应用价值。
The notched gears are important transmission components of the drill pipe power tongs, but currently the methods for notched gear optimization are simple and there are no proper opti-mization methods.The improved PSO algorithm was used to optimize the design of the notched gear structure.The appropriate structure parameters were selected as input variables,and con-straint conditions were built according to gear condition and bending fatigue strength etc.The op-timization design was based on the overall size of the target.The models before and after optimi-zation of notched gear were imported into ANSYS workbench for modal analysis,and the results illustrate that the optimized model is smaller and enhanced structurally,and the natural frequen-cies of the model is improved.The results can be concluded that the optimization method based on improved PSO can be considered as a valuable reference for the optimization design of notched gears and is with good engineering value.
Oil Field Equipment
drill pipe power tong
notched gear
structure optimization design
modal analysis