

United States Education Assistance to South Vietnam from the Psywar Viewpoint
摘要 冷战期间,美国为了把南越建设成遏制共产主义的堡垒,在南越实施了广泛的心理行动。教育援助项目就是其中之一。1954-1974年这20年间,为提高南越政府形象和培养亲美意识,赢取人心,美国利用教育援助帮助南越推行大众教育,提高民众的文化水平;大力发展职业技术教育,传递美越爱民之心。此外,还在对教师的培训和课程体系调整等过程中渗透意识形态、宣扬美国自由民主之优越性。这些耗资颇多、本意在于赢取人心、遏制共产主义扩展的诸多举措,并没有达到其预期目标,客观上却极大地改变了南越的教育现状,推动了南越教育事业的发展。 During the cold war,The United States had utilized South Vietnam against communism,and implemented largely Psychological Operations.To win " hearts and minds" and promote the image,The United States had provided education Assistance to South Vietnam from 1954 to 1974,which has promoted the basic education,vocational and technical education,to improve people's cultural level and technical ability;At the same time It has vigorously trained teachers' teaching skills and adjusted the course system,etc.It costed quite a lot,yet it failed to win " hearts and minds" and meet its goal.Objectively,it had much changed the education conditions and promoted the development of education in South Vietnam.
作者 朱美娣
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期95-100,共6页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 美国 南越 教育援助 心理行动 the United States South Vietnam education assistance psychological operations
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