针对不易直观验证机械手逆运动学的正确性和运动路径规划的优劣性的问题,设计了一套四关节机械手运动仿真系统。在集成了OpenGL图形标准库的Visual C++6.0开发平台中,采用MVC程序设计构架,首先基于四关节机械手的D-H参数建立仿真模型,然后根据运动仿真系统的功能需求设计用户界面,最后用逆运动学和运动路径规划算法控制用户界面状态显示,从而达到直观比较算法可行性和优劣性的目的。
Four-joint-manipulator motion simulation system was designed for the problem that the correctness of the inverse kinematics and the merits of the path planning were difficult to be visual validation.The simulation system was designed under visual C++ 6.0 development platform in the integrated OpenGL graphics standard library,and MVC framework is taken in the program design.First,the simulation model was established according to the D-H parameters of four-joint-manipulator.Second,the user interface was designed on the basis of the function requirements of the motion simulation system.Then,depending on inverse kinematics and path planning algorithm regulated the sta-tus display of user interface.Finally,achieved the purpose of intuitively compared the feasibility and merits of the algorithm.
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