随着汽车市场竞争日渐激烈,售后服务已经成为整个汽车产业中的核心竞争力,我国车企应该切切实实地做好服务行为,因为"谁拥有忠实的客户群,谁就能够生存得更好"。2014年9月,"商用汽车售后服务总评榜"走访团队来到广东,对该地区售后服务市场进行了详细调查。此次走访共历时10天,记者一行4人首先从广州出发,途经佛山、清源、深圳等许多市县,行驶1 000多km,通过对郑州宇通客车股份有限公司广州服务中心、顺肇汽贸售后技术服务站、祥华杰汽车修配有限公司、英德市苏氏汽车修理厂等多家服务站走访,对当前我国南方沿海地区的商用车售后服务行业及市场特点有了一定程度的了解。
During the September of 2014, a group of four reporters from Commercial Vehicle magazine conducted a ten-day field research in Guangdong province, covering Guangzhou, Foshan, Qingyuan, Shenzhen and a few other cities. In this 1 000 km interview journey, the group had the fi rst hand information of after-sale service market along the coast area.
Commercial Vehicle