二度参加泰达论坛的Margo Oge毫无保留地谈起了在美国制订和推行机动车排放标准的30年经验,演讲远超了预计的10 min,其传达的他山之石值得深思。车辆排放与人们的生活环境总是密不可分,而此议题也往往是国内各大汽车论坛必不可少的一个。作为国内最富盛名的汽车论坛之一,中国汽车产业发展(泰达)国际论坛的规模、级别、信息容量和价值都堪称业内翘楚。
Auto exhaust emission has much to do with the human's living environment,which has been always an important and critical topic on many auto forums and symposiums of various kinds.During the International Forum(TEDA) on Chinese Automobile Industry Development held in Tlanjin recently,representatives from environment protection institutes and departments shared a lots of information and meaningful opinions concerning the progress of emission standard upgrading and promotional measures.
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