

Flowery Hall at Confucius' Mansion
摘要 孔府西路是历代衍圣公学诗习礼、吟诗作画和读书会友的地方,主要建筑有红萼轩、忠恕堂、安怀堂、花厅及其厢房。在安怀堂的后面有南北两个花厅,是衍圣公及眷属活动的地方。原来只与前上房院相通,现已前、后相通,共分为四座,分别为东花厅、西花厅、南花厅、小南厅。 The West Branch of the Confucius Mansion is the place where all the descendants of Confucius as the Duke of Qufu used to learn poem-writing,etiquette,painting and meet with their friends.Its main buildings include Red Calyx Hut,Hall of Loyalty and Forgiveness,Hall of Quiet Heart,the Flowery Hall and the attached wingrooms.The Duke of Qufu and his family members lived in the northern and southern Flowery Halls located behind the Hall of Quiet Heart.The living quarters were connected only with the courtyard of the front main room in the past,but now the front and the rear spaces have all been linked together.The new layout is divided into four parts,namely,the East Flowery Hall,the West Flowery Hall,the South Flowery Hall and the Minor South Hall.In its original structure there were 3 rooms in the East Flowery Hall,with a wood board bearing 'Cultivation of the Temperament with Poetry and Wine' in calligraphic writing in the central room.It was rebuilt in 1979.The West Flowery Hall was a study,and from the liberation of the country to the early 1980 s was used for accommodating leadership from China and abroad when visiting Qufu.The South Flowery Hall consisted of living rooms for the Duke of Qufu and his family.The Minor South Hall is also known as the Minor South Room.It was demolished in 1959 and was moved northwards to be rebuilt along with the South Flowery Hall.
作者 李翠 孔勇
出处 《走向世界》 2014年第45期93-93,共1页 Openings
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