
中国企业技术获取型对外直接投资风险量化与评估 被引量:1

Assessment and Quantization of Risks of Technology Sourcing Outward Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese Enterprises
摘要 为了更好的防范技术获取型对外直接投资的风险,本文在考量政治风险、经济风险和文化风险的基础上,结合技术获取型对外直接投资的特点,加入技术风险指标,对中国企业技术获取型对外直接投资风险进行量化与评估。首先,采用主成分分析法量化风险;然后,通过聚类分析法评估风险等级。实证研究结果表明:2003~2011年期间,20个样本国家中,低风险国家都是发达国家;中等风险国家有4个,其中只有1个是发展中国家;高风险国家全都是发展中国家,包括印度、南非、墨西哥、巴西和俄罗斯;2008年后,多数发展中国家的风险在不断改善,但很多发达国家的风险却逐渐上升。因此,中国企业应针对不同东道国的风险变化特点,采取措施规避风险。 In order to help Chinese enterprises to avoid risks of technology sourcing outward foreign direct investment , the authors make a quantitative assessment of risks of technology sourcing outward foreign direct investment in this paper . On the basis of assessment of political risks , economic risks and cultural risks , the authors added index of technological risks according to characteristics of technology sourcing outward foreign direct investment . At first , they use principal components analysis to qualify risks . Then , they make an assessment of risks through cluster analysis . The empirical results show that risks of developed countries among all of the 20 sample countries is low during the period from 2003 to 2011 . There are four medium risk countries , but only one is developing country . Risks of all developing sample countries are high . Developing sample countries include India , South Africa , Mexico , Brazil and Russia in this paper . However , risks of most developing countries are becoming lower after 2008 . Risks of many developed countries are on the contrary . Therefore , the authors suggest that in order to control risks , Chinese enterprises should take measures according to the changing characteristics of risks in different host countries .
作者 潘素昆 代丽
机构地区 北方工业大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2014年第12期116-124,共9页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 北京市自然科学基金项目"北京企业技术获取型对外投资模式选择与风险防范战略研究"(项目编号:9122009) 北方工业大学科研人才提升计划青年拔尖人才培育计划(项目编号:BJRC201315) 北京市教委学科建设专项基金(项目编号:PXM2014τ014212τ000001)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 技术获取型 对外直接投资 风险评估 主成分分析 聚类分析 technology sourcing outward foreign direct investment risks assessment principal components analysis cluster analysis
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