利用1961—2010年辽宁省52个气象站日最高气温资料,分析辽宁地区高温日数及热浪的分布特征和变化趋势。结果表明:1961—2010年辽宁省区域年平均高温日数为7.72 d/a。辽宁高温日数呈东少西多的空间分布,沿海地区高温日数较少,甚至部分地区无高温天气出现。高温日出现最多的是朝阳,高温日数为26.48 d/a。从20世纪60年代开始,辽宁高温日数呈缓慢增加趋势,其中2000年为有气象记录以来高温日最多的年份。辽宁地区热浪发生频次也呈东少西多的分布特征,热浪最多的朝阳发生频次为2.90次/a。辽宁省以持续3—5 d的轻度热浪为主,占热浪发生总频次的86.27%,中度热浪占12.58%,超过10 d的重度热浪占1.14%,仅喀左、北票和羊山地区发生过持续10 d以上的重度热浪。
Using daily maximum temperature data at 52 weather stations in Liaoning province from 1961 to 2010, characteristics of the number of high tempetaure days and heat wave as well as their trends were analyzed.The re-sults show that the number of annual mean high temperature day is 7.72 days per year in Liaoning province.For spatial distribution,it is higher in the west than in the east.High temperature days are seldom in the coast regions, and never appear in some regions.High temperatue days occur mainly in Chaoyang with 26.84 days per year.The number of annual high temperature days is in a gradually increasing trend since 1960s.The highest number of tem-perature days occurs in 2000 according to historical record of meteorologcal observation.Spatial distribution of heat wave is similar to that of high temperature,namely more in the west and less in the east.The significant heat wave occurs in Chaoyang,and its frequency is 2.90 per year.Light heat wave with 3-5 days duration is the main type in Liaoning province,accounting for 86.27%,and then middle heat wave is 12.58%,while severe heat wave with more than 10 days duration is 1.14% and it only appears in Kazuo,Beipiao and Yangshan stations.
Journal of Meteorology and Environment
High temperature
Heat Wave