
生产函数与消费函数不匹配:梅里兹模型的主要缺陷探讨 被引量:3

Mismatch between Production Function and Consumption Function:An Inquiry into Main Flaws in Melitz's Model
摘要 借用梅里兹模型的生产函数和消费函数,本文对梅里兹模型进行了重新论证,结论是梅里兹模型存在着生产函数与消费函数不匹配的主要缺陷,具体表现为两个方面:(1)梅里兹模型用CES消费函数,得出了均衡时企业的产量、利润与生产率有关的结论,但本文用梅里兹模型的生产函数,却得出了均衡时企业的产量、利润与生产率无关的结论,这充分说明梅里兹模型的生产函数与消费函数并不匹配。(2)当所有企业的生产均衡、消费者的消费均衡,且生产与消费同时达到均衡时的最终结果是企业之间的生产率相同,这一结论显然与梅里兹模型所表达的异质企业思想相反。 Dwelling on the production function and the consumption function of Melitz's Model, this paper re-examines the Melitz's Model, concluding that the Melitz's Model has a main flaw which is the mismatch between the produc- tion function and the consumption function. This mismatch is characterized from two aspects: first, by applying the CES consumption function the Melitz's Model comes up with conclusions relevant to production, income and productivity, while by applying the consumption of the Melitzs Model, this paper obtains conclu- sions irreverent to the above factors, indicating the mismatch between the produc- tion function and the consumption function; second, when all the production of the firms and the consumption of the consumers are in the equilibrium state, the productivity of different firms converge, which is in disconformity with the idea of heterogeneity of firms supported by the Melitz's Model.
作者 王世军
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期157-167,共11页 Journal of International Trade
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学基金(09CGJJ04YB) 浙江省重点软科学研究项目(2014C25014)资助
关键词 梅里兹模型 生产函数 消费函数 不匹配 缺陷 Melitz's Model Production function Consumption function Mis-match Main flaw
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