

Sarah Jewett's Reconstruction of Masculinity in The Country of the Pointed Firs
摘要 《尖尖的枞树之乡》是美国著名女作家萨拉·朱厄特的代表作。随着女性主义等思潮的兴起,当前评论界更多地关注作者在作品中塑造的坚强、独立女性。事实上,朱厄特并没有忘记男性,在《尖尖的枞树之乡》中,不但有传统、刻板的男性,也有觉悟和可拯救的理想男性。正是通过对这些男性的刻画,作者不仅表达了她对男性的关注,更表达了其对男性气质建构问题的思考和探索。基于此,借助社会性别研究的视角,探讨朱厄特在《尖尖的枞树之乡》中对男性气质的重构,指出朱厄特通过对支配性男性气质的否定和批判,解构了传统的男性气质,进而又在对"雌雄同体"双性气质的肯定和赞赏中,实现了对理想男性气质的重构。 The Country ofthe Pointed Firs is the masterpiece by Sarah Jewett,one of the well-known American women writers.With the rising of feminism,the critics at present focus more on the strong and independent female characters in the work.As a matter of fact,Jewett does not forget the men.Apart from the traditional,stereotypical men,there are also awakening and redeemed ideal men in The Country ofthe Pointed Firs.Through the characterization of these men images,Jewett not only shows her concern about males,but reveals her thinking of and attempt on the construction of masculinity.The paper,from the perspective of gender,intends to analyze how Jewett reconstructs masculinity in The Country ofthe Pointed Firs,pointing out that by negating and criticizing hegemonic masculinity,Jewett first deconstructs the traditional masculinity,and through approving and admiring the combination of androgynous qualities,she further reconstructs the ideal masculinity.
作者 陈煌书
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第6期138-142,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目:后现代语境下萨拉.朱厄特的性属观研究(2012C059) 闽南师范大学科学研究资助项目:女性主义批评与萨拉.朱厄特研究(SJ1009)
关键词 《尖尖的枞树之乡》 社会性别 支配性男性气质 雌雄同体 重构 The Country ofthe Pointed Firs gender hegemonic masculinity androgyny reconstruction
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